For decades, people with disabilities fought for equal access in the United States. Here's a quick journey from where we started to where we are now.
The Lazy Designer’s Guide to ADA Signage
We read 279 pages of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design so you don’t have to.

Overwhelmed by all the Braille requirements? Don’t be.
Read these simple guides to make sure your custom signs pass inspections with a breeze.
Overwhelmed by all the Braille requirements? Don't be. Follow these 5 tips to make sure your custom signs pass inspections with a breeze.
Learn how to add Braille to your signage with this easy, foolproof method.
We'll show you where you need to stick to ADA standards—and where you can get creative.
Consider this the Cliffs Notes of rules for ADA compliant text. (Don’t worry, we won’t tell.)
Great work! You’re now on your last and final step – displaying your ADA signage. Follow these illustrations to avoid making easy mistakes.
Unlike other states, California requires two signs for restrooms. Follow the three steps below to ensure that your signs pass inspections—and blend in seamlessly with your interior.